This informative memoir unveils Amanda’s journey through the challenging landscape of treatment for triple-negative breast cancer, which concluded during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa. Faced with the daunting task of navigating a healthcare system overwhelmed by misinformation and noise on social media, Amanda bravely seeks out accurate information and shares her invaluable insights.

Social media has become a double-edged sword for cancer patients seeking information and support. Through the digital world, these patients are inundated with a barrage of opinions, stories, and conflicting advice about their treatment journey, making it difficult to make sound decisions for their health. Join Amanda as she defies the odds—finding hope, resilience and, ultimately, a renewed perspective on life. This is a compelling anecdote that sheds light on the power of evidence-based knowledge in the face of adversity.

The Sum of the Parts serves as a powerful narrative that intertwines with Amanda's own cancer journey, and offers invaluable guidance to navigating social media's information maze. In this heartfelt and insightful story, readers will find solace, inspiration, and practical strategies to make informed decisions to become active participants in their own treatments.



Amanda Lourens has enjoyed a successful career as an award-winning hairdresser. Throughout her career, Amanda has gained significant experience in human interaction and developed a genuine enjoyment for helping others. She has always innately been drawn to more natural and holistic practices, which led her to study various alternative approaches to health and wellness over the years.

In 2019, Amanda's life took a significant turn when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This experience made her realize the potential dangers of solely following an alternative approach to health without considering evidence-based medicine. It prompted her to delve deeper into the wellness industry and critically examine its claims and practices.

Through her investigations, Amanda recognized the need for debunking myths and promoting evidence-based medicine for healing. Her personal journey with cancer, and her desire to help others, led her to transition into a role as a wellness coach and motivational speaker, specifically catering to cancer patients. As a wellness coach, Amanda aims to provide guidance, support, and evidence-based strategies to empower cancer patients in their healing journey.

Through her motivational speaking engagements, Amanda shares her own experiences, lessons learned, and insights gained from her extensive research. She inspires and motivates cancer patients to adopt an integrative approach to health and wellness, combining evidence-based medicine with complementary practices that have proven benefits.

Photograph by Neil Kirby